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MCCY | Brave The New

Coming out of a nation-wide lockdown in 2020 due to COVID-19, Singaporeans were suddenly faced with a new normal. On top of adhering to a long list of new COVID safety measures, there was a huge shift in the way we live and high uncertainty of the future. Here’s how we helped Singapore face the new challenges, manage stress and anxiety, and care for their mental well-being.

Team (Tribal)

Benson Toh (CD)

Dawn Yang (Creative Lead)

Boston Ho (Snr. Copy)

Eugene Yow (Snr. Art)

Shaun Tan (Copy)

Nicholas Teo (Art)





My Role

  • As the senior creative on the project, I co-conceptualised and executed the campaign deliverables.

  • Crafted the tagline of the campaign.  

  • Oversaw the production of videos in the campaign.

  • Co-wrote copy of digital banners.

A ground-up campaign to help Singaporeans brave an unprecedented time.

A bold statement ringing through the heartlands.

A strong tagline was crucial for a campaign that saw ground-up efforts to rally a nation.

'Brave' fit the bill perfectly.

'To be brave': Meant to give confidence to those who are feeling anxious or fearful of the new normal. It also encourages Singaporeans to seek ways to self-care.

'To brave': Acknowledging that it’s normal to feel anxious about the unknown but also having the confidence and resilience to pull through tough times.

Braving the 'new': Is looking beyond the new normal. That we can bravely face the future and its uncertainties.

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Just when we need influencers the most.


Five influencers shared personal stories and

showed how they made use of resources available

on the page to help cope with their feelings of

stress/anxiety as a result of the COVID-19 situation.

We are stronger than we think.

Singaporeans from different walks of life share their experiences living in the pandemic in this personal series, shot through the lenses of everyday digital devices. These real accounts helped Singaporeans understand that they weren’t alone in facing the pandemic, giving them a sense of confidence and hope to pull through.


A new place you can turn to, 24/7.

We redesigned the SGUnited site with engaging visuals to improve click-through. We filtered and condensed the list of resources – repurposing them into meaningful segments with clear actionable steps to help manage their mental well-being.

The most relatable eggs in town.

We created a cute stop-motion film about an egg trio to broach the topic of feeling the cracks under the pressure during this COVID-19 period.

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